Sambro’s Spotlight: Lykos

Welcome to the weird and wonderful world of psychedelic infused grunge and punk. Bristol based trio Lykos will be acting as our guides taking us through their high energy, highly stylised and highly nostalgic sound.

Their latest single, Slaughterhouse, is a gritty DIY romp through old school punk riffs, frantic drumming and impassionate vocals that walks the line between Kurt Cobain and Henry Rollins. It is a sound that is equally parts aggressive and melodic with this air of surrealism smeared throughout. You can see just how much of this style is captivated in the aesthetic of the accompanying music video. The clashing dark colours, flashing images and an extremely energetic and destructive performance from the band, it all fits in with the metaphorical themes of hiding from your inner demons.

The re-emergence of those gritty, DIY days of punk fuelled rebellion was bound to happen sooner or later. Whether fuelled by nostalgia, passion, the influences of an increasingly disconnected world or all three of the above it doesn’t matter. The Lykos’ sound is just the perfect reflection of a chaotic, broken and uneasy reality.

Be sure to give Lykos a follow on their social media, Spotify or Soundcloud if you want to see more of what the band has to offer in the future.





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